Here is a list of the Nashville Planning Department zoning classification codes to help you understand what a property is allowed to have built on it or added to it. The tax record for your property has your current zoning listed on it.

If you’re wanting to add a guest house or convert a property into more than one unit you will need to find out how the property is currently zoned. In most cases, you will need to apply for rezoning approval before moving forward with your construction project.

Zoning Classifications


  • AG (agricultural, requiring a minimum lot size of 5 acres and intended for uses that generally occur in rural areas, including single-family, two-family, and mobile homes)
  • AR2a (agricultural, requiring a minimum lot size of 2 acres and intended for uses that generally occur in rural areas, including single-family, two-family, and mobile homes)

Single-Family Residential

  • RS80 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 80,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS40 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 40,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS30 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 30,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS20 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 20,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS15 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 15,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS10 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 10,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS7.5, RS7.5-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 7,500 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS5, RS5-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 5,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RS3.75, RS3.75A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 3,750 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)

*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.

One- and Two-Family Residential

  • R80 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 80,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
  • R40 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 40,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
  • R30 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 30,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
  • R20 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 20,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
  • R15 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 15,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
  • R10 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 10,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
  • R8, R8-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 8,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
  • R6, R6-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 6,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)

*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.

Multi-Family Residential

  • RM2 (low density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 2 units per acre)
  • RM4 (low-medium density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 4 units per acre)
  • RM6 (medium density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 6 units per acre)
  • RM9, RM-9A* (medium density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 9 units per acre)
  • RM15 (medium-high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 15 units per acre)
  • RM20 (medium-high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 20 units per acre)
  • RM40, RM40-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 40 units per acre)
  • RM60, RM60-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 60 units per acre)
  • RM80-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 80 units per acre)
  • RM100-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 100 units per acre)

*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.

Mobile Home Park

  • MHP (Mobile Home Park, requiring a minimum 2 acre lot size and intended for mobile homes at 9 units per acre)


  • MUN, MUN-A* (Mixed Use Neighborhood, intended for a low intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)
  • MUL, MUL-A* (Mixed Use Limited, intended for a moderate intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)
  • MUG, MUG-A* (Mixed Use General, intended for a moderately high intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)
  • MUI, MUI-A* (Mixed Use Intensive, intended for a high intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)

*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.

Office & Residential

  • OR20, OR20-A* (office and residential, intended for office and/or residential multi-family uses up to 20 dwelling units per acre)
  • OR40, OR40-A* (office and residential, intended for office and/or residential multi-family uses up to 40 dwelling units per acre)
  • ORI, ORI-A* (Office and Residential Intensive, intended for high intensity office and/or residential multi-family uses with limited retail)

*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.


  • ON (Office Neighborhood, intended for low intensity office uses)
  • OL (Office Limited, intended for moderate intensity office uses)
  • OG (Office General, intended for moderately high intensity office uses)


  • CN, CN-A* (Commercial Neighborhood, intended for very low intensity retail, office, and consumer service uses which provide for the recurring shopping needs of nearby residential areas)
  • CL, CL-A* (Commercial Limited, intended for retail, consumer service, financial, restaurant, and office uses)
  • CS, CS-A* (Commercial Service, intended for a wide range of commercial service related uses including low intensity manufacturing and storage facilities)
  • CA (Commercial Attraction, intended for a wide range of amusement, recreational, and retail support uses typically associated with the tourist industry)
  • CF (Core Frame, intended for a wide range of parking and commercial service support uses for the central business district)
  • DTC (Downtown Code zoning district found only in Downtown Nashville, intended for a broad range of residential and non-residential activities with an emphasis on urban design – the relationship between the street, building and open space for efficient land use, increased transit and the creation of vibrant and safe pedestrian streetscapes)

*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.

Shopping Centers

  • SCN (Shopping Center Neighborhood, intended for a limited range of retail, office, and consumer service uses which provide for the recurring shopping needs of nearby residential areas)
  • SCC (Shopping Center Community, intended for moderate intensity retail, office, and consumer service uses for a wide market area)
  • SCR (Shopping Center Regional, intended for high intensity retail, office, and consumer service uses for a regional market area)


  • IWD (Industrial Warehousing/Distribution, intended for a wide range of warehousing, wholesaling, and bulk distribution uses)
  • IR (Industrial Restrictive, intended for a wide range of light manufacturing uses at moderate intensities within enclosed structures)
  • IG (Industrial General, intended for a wide range of intensive manufacturing uses)

Davidson County Codes Department

Metro Office Building
800 2nd Ave S
1st Floor, Codes Department
Nashville, TN 37210

Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.