Williamson County Statistics

Williamson County, TN
Williamson County, TN Seal

Williamson County, Tennessee has a population of 205,645 people with a 3.1% annual growth rate.

The average age is 39 with an annual household income of $100,140.

Home ownership is 80% with a median mortgage cost of $1,500 per month and additional home ownership cost averaging $545 per month.

The average rent in Williamson County is $1,364 for a two bedroom, one bathroom unit.

There are 73,160 households with an average of 3 people per household. 95% of households have at least one computer and Internet access. 96% of people over 25 have a High School diploma with 58% of people over 25 holding a Bachelor Degree or higher.

The unemployment rate is 4%.

The average home property value is $388,000 with an annual increase of 6%.

The average commute time one way to work during the week is 27 minutes with each household owning at least 2 cars.

The population per square mile is 314.