May your blessings outnumber the shamrock’s that grow.

I hope this St Patricks Day blessing is true for you this year! If you live in the United States, St Patricks Day is a fantastic time to take a moment and appreciate the blessing of Spring. The shamrocks should be popping up any day.

To celebrate this year’s St Patricks Day I’ve decided to share a happy longevity life habit list with you. The reason is because it’s my part-Irish Grandmother’s birthday. She’s turning 103! As such I think it’s appropriate to share some of her secrets to longevity. She has slowed down a bit this past year. However, up until her 101st birthday she was still getting around, socially active, exercising daily and enjoying life.

My grandmother has a lot of great habits and some not so great but necessary for happiness habits. I think these are part of the secret to her healthy longevity;

  1. Chocolate. She loves chocolate. She always had a chocolate bowl out ready for the taking. She probably ate at least one piece every single day.
  2. Vitamin D. She loves the outdoors and spends a little of every day out soaking up some sun. She usually has a tan and a garden.
  3. Organic. Her garden provided about 50% of her veggies and was organic. The rest she got at the farmers market.
  4. Free Range. She raised her own free range grass eating cows. This is where she got her milk and meat. She got her eggs from a neighbor who raised free range chickens.
  5. Friends. This should be a lot higher on this list. My grandmother has always been very social. She had a friend group that was called the “Tarts”. They consisted of about ten ladies. They did fun events and activities together. She’s the last survivor of this group. They’re all waiting in heaven for her to join them.
  6. God. She believes in God, is a Christian and was very involved in her church up until recently.
  7. Family. She lived very close to her youngest daughter and her family up until last year.
  8. BBC. Like it or not she typically watches British humor sitcoms a few times a week for fun.
  9. Books. Loves books and still reads daily.
  10. Puzzles. She loves puzzles and created a new workout routine with them. She spread a giant puzzle out on a large rectangle table and would do laps around it, pausing to place a puzzle piece with each lap. This has kept her active and healthy in her latter days. Beats sitting in a chair all day watching TV.
  11. Soda. I was visiting my grandma one day and was shocked to see her open a can of soda to drink. I said, “Grandma, I didn’t know you drink soda!”. She said, “Yes I do! This is my one can a week treat.”
  12. Travel. My grandmother spent a good portion of her latter years travelling around the country visiting friends. She did this until she couldn’t drive herself anymore at about 95 years old.
  13. Mission Trips. She went to Haiti with a medical team once a year. I think this blessed her more then the blessings she gave.
  14. Restaurants. My grandmother would go out frequently with friends to eat at restaurants. Once again, I think she enjoyed the friends part the most. She would usually order a giant salad and eat every bite.
  15. Early. She was usually early to bed and early to rise.
  16. Play. My grandmother was always up for a game. Whether it was a snow square tag game outside or a board game with friends inside. Don’t forget to play.

I hope you enjoyed my Grandma’s secret to longevity habit list. Happy St Patricks Day Birthday Grandma!

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