Looking at the historic housing market nationally and locally here in Tennessee, it is apparent that it is a great time to sell your home. Prices are at record highs along with interest rates being favorably low. In addition to those two primary factors we are moving into the summer season when most families make the move from one location to another either for a job related reason or to upsize because of family growth.

US National Housing Market Historic Chart
Now would be a good time to sell if;
- Your are living in a home that is too big for you
- Your are an empty-nester
- You have lost a spouse through death or divorce
- You don’t want to spend as much time and energy maintaining your home
- Your home is not the best fit for your lifestyle
- There are things you have always dreamed of doing but haven’t made the time or budget for them
If any of those reasons fit your situation, now would be an excellent time to cash out on your equity and move. Your decision will positively impact your retirement account and provide cash on hand for another property purchase.
Life Change
Many times people hesitate from moving from a home they have raised their kids in but are now empty-nesters because it is such a huge life change. If this describes you, consider this; scientific evidence shows that change actually improves the health of your brain. One preventative action to reduce Alzheimer’s and Dementia is to regularly incorporate change into your lifestyle. This could mean taking different routes to the store, going out to a restaurant you’ve never been to, connecting with a new friend or moving into a new home.
Here are some other indicators that it’s time to move for you;
- You find it difficult to keep up with maintaining your property
- You don’t enjoy taking care of your property like you once did
- Your health has changed and your living environment no longer fits what you need
- You neglect spending time with friends and family because you’re always too busy fixing or cleaning your house.
Change Slows Aging
Although change becomes more and more difficult as we age it has big benefits. “You absolutely can and should teach your brain to change,” says Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a licensed clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist, noting that keeping the brain agile has been shown to help delay aging. “I’ve done quite a bit of work on the aging process and slowing that down. It starts with changing the aversion to change.”
Additionally, “if you stretch your brain past its comfort zone, you’re opening the door to being receptive to other types of change.”
Intentionally choosing strategic beneficial change in our lives force our brains to grow instead of becoming set and stagnant. Change exercises it, grows new synapses and new pathways and enables us to accomplish things we may not have realized were possible.