Whether you are planning on staying at your home or selling, it’s always a good idea to keep it in good condition.
There are quiet a few home improvement projects you can do yourself that raise the value of your home as well as update the style.
Besides do-it-yourself home improvement projects, there are some key features that buyers will look closely at when considering your home to buy. One of these features is your roof. The question is always asked, “how old is the roof.” In fact, home listings must include the age of the roof when providing the disclosure statement to interested buyers.
In addition to disclosing the age of the roof it is a big bonus when the home seller can provide the name of the vendor who installed it and any warranty documentation that is included. This information is very valuable in providing some added value and giving a sense of comfort and security to the buyer when your roof is 5 years old or newer.
The typical roof will last 20 years. If yours is nearing or surpassed that age and you are considering selling your home then it will add approximately $10,000 to the value of your home. The new roof not only looks nice but it meets a major feature requirement during inspection and the sales process.
If you would like a professional and accurate evaluation of your home’s value be sure to make an appointment. We provide a free and up to date report as well as a strategy to sell your home for the highest market price in the shortest amount of time.